ECOBRASS®: 991 €/q BRASS: 7160.0 €/t

4 April 2021

Road to optimization

Business process optimization is a key factor when competing in today’s market. In this view A&B Torneria acquired a new CAM programming software for CNC simulation to optimize the production process.

In this case machines are nothing without people – which is why a new person has been hired and is now part of the technical team and , among other tasks, will be working with this software. A&B will provide training on ISO language and program management to help master this new software.

Humans and machines are here united to boost CNC programming, optimization, and simulation leading to more and more precise quotations, machine set-ups and optimized productions: this software converts 3D toolpaths (developed by CAD system) into ISO language defying an incredibly accurate machining process.

While it may take several days for a machine operator to manually programming the machine and test its results, with this CAM software it takes only a few hours time speeding up the whole process.

As Steve Jobs once said: ‘the most precious resource we all have is time” and A&B is constantly looking for new systems and methods to optimize processes, save time and be better!

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