ECOBRASS®: 976.00 €/q BRASS: 7090.0 €/t

17 March 2021

United we stand, divided we fall

What is the importance to join local Industrial Associations? A&B Torneria Automatica s.r.l. for several years now has joined Confindustria Brescia, former AIB – Industrial Association of Brescia, to be more responsive and aware of the requirements of the area and in order not to operate individually in an ever-changing complex world. Participating to such associations allows us to think together and take joint actions to compensate the negative impacts of a global context fraught of uncertainties and unknown factors.

This is why collaboration with other entrepreneurs becomes more and more necessary, not only to overcome the economic crisis linked to the current health emergency, but with a view to Environmental, Social and Economic Sustainability, investigating structural and innovating strategies and thus contributing to virtuous, lasting economic and social growth.

If you are interested in A&B and want to find out more, contact us! Click here